Some time ago I watched a few shows of Metalocalypse on Adult Swim. In short, it is a cartoon about Dethklok, a death metal band. It was kind of funny, but I hadn’t really watched many of the episodes. I pretty much forgot about it completely, until I came upon the Dethklok Wikipedia page. It’s a funny read actually. I was surprised, the album is really good. I’m not a super fan of the death and/or extreme metal genres. I can stand some of it, but the usual “death growls” that come along with the music really turns me off. However, I found myself listening to this album quite a few times. It’s decent metal music, and the lyrics aren’t really that bad. I had to immediately add it to my MythTV recording queue to catch more of the show.

I would suggest that if you are NOT a fan of death metal, you ignore said album. Trust me.


Lost Episodes

I am really getting behind. The Lost episodes are really starting to pile up on my MythTV server. I still have 2 or 3 episodes of season 2 on DVD to watch yet as well. I really have to get myself in gear.