
So I live in the past, whatever. Most of my music collection files are still mp3s, with a few oggs here and there. Jen had a free $25 gift card to iTunes, so I bought an album that Amazon nor my “russian connection” had on their list. I felt so dirty, but it had to be done. Anyway, if you want to convert m4a files to mp3 from the command line, run this:

for i in *.m4a; do faad -o - "$i" | lame - "${i%.m4a}.mp3"; done

Diggity done. Obviously, make sure faad and lame are installed. Re-tag and you are all set.

Richard Wright

Richard Wright (born July 28, 1943) died today after a short struggle with cancer. If you don’t know who Richard Wright is, SHAME ON YOU. He was one of the founding members of one of the greatest bands of all time, Pink Floyd.

Richard wrote The Great Gig In The Sky and Us And Them from The Dark Side Of The Moon, among many other great Pink Floyd songs…

Some time ago I watched a few shows of Metalocalypse on Adult Swim. In short, it is a cartoon about Dethklok, a death metal band. It was kind of funny, but I hadn’t really watched many of the episodes. I pretty much forgot about it completely, until I came upon the Dethklok Wikipedia page. It’s a funny read actually. I was surprised, the album is really good. I’m not a super fan of the death and/or extreme metal genres. I can stand some of it, but the usual “death growls” that come along with the music really turns me off. However, I found myself listening to this album quite a few times. It’s decent metal music, and the lyrics aren’t really that bad. I had to immediately add it to my MythTV recording queue to catch more of the show.

I would suggest that if you are NOT a fan of death metal, you ignore said album. Trust me.

So, as we all know, I’ve used several tools to scrobble music to via the console. The problem was that it worked, well, sometimes. The old script would work great for hours, then just outright stop submitting tracks. Other times it would never work, and then submit 2 or 3 songs out of 10. I poked through the source a bit, but the extent of my perl knowledge consists of adding the line “#!/usr/bin/perl” to the top of the script. Seriously, that’s it. So thankfully Eric (who knows a LOT more then I do about perl) was poking around trying to figure it out as well. At any rate, we were both stuck, until he stumbled upon another script that works with cmus. The new script is called and seems to be working MUCH better then the other. So far so good anyway…