General Nonsense

I’ve been using IPcop for years. I use it as a secondary router/firewall at work and it has been my main firewall at home for years. At home it used to run on the first computer I personally ever purchased. It was an IBM Aptiva AMD K6-2 233MHz system with about 128MB of RAM and an upgraded 20GB hard drive. After years of faithful service, I ran into some “trouble.” I walked into the basement to hear quite a loud whirring and whining from the corner where the computer was installed. The router was amazingly still working, I assume everything was running from memory and not the disk. I started searching for parts but realized that I no longer had an old ATA hard disk in my parts bin; Everything I had was SATA or too large to be wasted on a small home firewall. Luckily my main wireless access point is a more then capable Linksys WRT54GS. It took a bit of conversion, but now I am running with the Linksys alone. IPcop was really nice, I just no longer see the need for it at home. It’s served me well and I continue to use it at work and can say nothing but good things about it.

I’ve also been messing with some Dallas 1-Wire temperature sensors. They are pretty simple to mess with and get working as most of the drivers are already in the Linux kernel. There are a few software packages that allow you to interface them directly. Some work rather well, some not so well. I’ve been messing with owfs and that seemed to work the best for me. Each sensor has a hardware address and owfs allows you to query it directly to get the current temperature:

$ owread -F /10.8889C7000800/temperature

That’s the current temperature in our basement. I have to do a little wiring to move the sensor away from our pellet stove, otherwise when that is turned on the thing will jump up to an inaccurate temperature. I’ve also been working with a few different programs to help graph the temperature trends. Once that is all working, I can get sensors for all over the house. Why? Really, why not. Because I can.

I almost forgot just how good things could be. Since we moved back at the end of August, I really didn’t have the time (read into this, I’m too lazy) to pull out my Shuttle system along with all of the stuff that went with it to reinstall it somewhere. I’ve been “happily” running my Macbook for the longest time. Oh yeah, my Macbook was free from work, and IT ONLY RUNS GENTOO.

Ahem. Anyway.

It works. It does what I need it to do. I really don’t do an awful lot these days anyway. It doesn’t take a $3000 desktop to surf the web and run ssh to my colo.

It has been a long time coming. I’m almost done with powerful personal computers. The faster and more expensive they get, the less I seem to care about it. Let’s face it, more and more people are spending more and more money on faster and faster systems. Luckily, I want no part of it.

I run Linux. Not only do I run linux, but I run fluxbox. I’ll make this short. fluxbox has no frills. No graphical wonders of the world. The thing runs and you hardly know it is there. I don’t want frills and fluff. I want something that is easy to use, easy to change, and does it without a whole lot of guff. fluxbox is the same reason that my work machine is about 4 years old. That machine hasn’t has a major upgrade in that time, other then a RAM upgrade. And the best part? It runs as well today as it did 4 years ago.

Try that Windows OR OS X users. I bet it will last another 4 years.

Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah. My Shuttle. That thing is really fast too. It feels good to be back on a desktop at home. Everything is unpacked an hooked back up. It took a long time. There are still too many boxes in this place…

Wow I am rambling. What do you want, it’s about an hour from New Years and the Old Number 7 is a flowin. See you next year.

It’s been a long time since I was a netflix member. A few years I believe. I just re-started the account. There just are very few movies that I want to buy these days. Most of the stuff that has been coming out is total rubbish. The good news is that Netflix has quite a Blu-Ray selection, so I will be sure to make good use of that.

I also have a few plans up in the area. I need to get back to blogging. It really has been far too long….

See you next year.

Well it has been quite a while since I have actually gone to the movie theater to see something worth while. Actually, I think the last time was in September of 2006 to see Artie Lange’s Beer League.

Well the next time might have to wait until May of 2008. That’s right, its finally time for the Iron Man. If you don’t know who/what I am talking about, you should honestly be ashamed of yourself. Go, right now, and read all of the Wikipedia article on Iron Man.

What are you waiting for!?