RT @zoowithroy: twitter.com/JakeM0NTGOMERY… https://t.co/cDOrD0Y37m
All posts for the month April, 2021
Let's bet on the #Flyers game!
Hi, I'm just a guy interested in building a normal PC that doesn't include all kinds of crazy ass LED lighting and such?
I am not a fan of sports. The Sixers though.
Sixers can you not?
Another Fire TV device replaced by a Roku. This one will be the toughest as it replaces a Wife and Kid used device. Here we go!
RT @FlyersPuckSauce: The Flyers look more inept from top to bottom than the Eagles right now and how the fuck is that even possible?
Sports are bad and dumb and I hate them all.
Phillies win!