CBS suckered me in, I have to watch Star Trek Picard.
All posts for the month February, 2020
How did he catch that?
Hurts like a mothafucka
Maybe not today, but I'll be alright!
This #XFL game isn't bad. That's not saying others won't be horrible, but I'm enjoying it.
Woaaaa big ol F bomb there! #XFL
Holy shit I think I saw the sun!
RT @DrewMcWeeny: Rush Limbaugh is a racist piece of garbage who built his career pandering to the worst trash, and his "medal" is just one…
RT @MattOswaltVA: By NOT showing up you only help Trump speak to a room full of cheering sycophants without any dissent which normalizes hi…
So glad for Big Red. Congrats my man.