Wooooooooooo! That took wayyyy to long. #Phillies win!
All posts for the month May, 2012
Hey its Mayberry. The Captain of the No More Fun Police. #Phillies
Lololol nice catch Douchebag! #Phillies
Pence! Another banger! #Phillies
Did Papelbon bang Charlie’s wife? Why the hate? #Phillies
At least the #Flyers won game 1.
The Devils secret weapon? Terrible. Shitty. Horrible ice. My lord. #Flyers
Just perfect. That’s just perfect. #Flyers
Who would think that our best player in this series is Bryz. Disagree and you know NOTHING. PERIOD. #Flyers
Oh for fucks sake. Just let it end. Let it end now. #Flyers