On FedEx vehicle for delivery. Come to me iPhone.
All posts for the month July, 2009
Back to work today. You can tell I am really excited.
I just pre-ordered the Watchmen Blu-Ray from Amazon. I can hardly wait until the 21st.
ARGH. I turn the Phills off in the top of the 9th losing 7-3, and THEY COME BACK TO WIN. I missed the whole thing.
Being sick is OK I guess, in just 3 days I watched 24 MythTV stored episodes of Two And A Half Men.
Heh. My iPhone just left Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Maybe I should have just picked one up at a local store instead.
Well, I started to feel better, now I am feeling worse.
http://daub.me/p/87bfb – Apparently cats lay around a lot. As in ALL day.
Finally heading home from the ER.
http://daub.me/p/4613f – Woohoo an IV. Don’t look if you don’t like needles.