
All posts for the day August 26th, 2008

All of the websites have been migrated, and I decided to migrate mail ahead of schedule, just in case there were problems.

Well the migration went perfectly. I accidentally skipped one mail account, but got that fixed in a few seconds. Other then that, everything went perfectly. The new server is now taking care of 100% of the operations, with my home server acting as a backup MX server for mail. The old server I have in the old co-location facility will stay there probably until the end of September sometime. I want to give that company time before I yank it out so they don’t give me any guff over anything.

Other then that, I would have to say that migrating “stuff” in Linux is a snap. I’ve tried doing this in Windows and really it’s not even worth the bother since it never worked anyway.

The next step is to grab the old colo server and turn that hardware into my new home server. Since I am already running gentoo-amd64 on the current server, all I should have to do is get a new server case (since the current colo case is rackmount), mount, and change some kernel drivers. Other then that, things should just work. If you know of a larger sized, non-rack mount server case, shoot me a comment as I am now looking for one.

Anyway, the migration was a snap. No data was lost, and my users hardly noticed. Linux++