
All posts for the day December 11th, 2007

Enough is really enough.

Enough is really enough. the word ridiculous doesn’t even begin to describe this. I mean really, come on.

If you don’t want to read the whole article, I’ll give you the short, short, version. The new local Phillies minor league baseball team, the Iron Pigs decided to have a contest to name the new mascot. A 5 year old from Easton came up with the name.


I rarely use the C word, but really, that’s Cute. Apparently not every one thinks so. “Members of the Puerto Rican community” protested and said the name is racist and offensive.

Read that line again. A name thought up by a 5 year old. Racist. What the heck? That doesn’t even make sense. What’s next? I’m of German decent and I find the word Kraut offensive. Change anything with the word kraut in it immediately. That makes just as much sense as this PorkChop nonsense. Enough is really enough. I’m tired of everyone being far to oversensitive and far too politically correct. Ugh. Just ugh.

Anyway, the name was changed to Ferrous.