
All posts for the day September 3rd, 2007

Yes, I am still here. The house (among other life things) have taken precedence lately. I still don’t even have MythTV hooked up yet. I did finally plug the backend server in and updated to the new version of Myth. I also created and setup the new schedulesdirect deal as well. That seems to be working, and Myth is recording the correct programs at the right times. However, I don’t have cable hooked to it yet, so I now have a lot of hours of snow to watch. All in due time, however. This house deal is a slow but sure process.

I figure it will take us about 5 years to get all of the boxes in the basement unpacked and put away. The good news with that, however, is that the rest of the house is really clean and clutter free. All the junk is in boxes in the basement!