I get a lot of email. Read again, A LOT of email. I am subscribed to quite a few mailing lists for a bunch of open source projects and Linux distros. For the most part, I read and delete mail rather quickly. Sometimes too quickly. A few times after reading something in my non-mailing list mailboxes, I wish I wouldn’t have deleted so quickly. Thank goodness mutt is has so many configuration options.
folder-hook . 'macro index d
folder-hook =INBOX$ 'macro index d "
folder-hook =INBOX.Daubenspeck$ 'macro index d "
That is all it takes. The first line is the default catch all. In my example, it tells d to act normally and delete files without the trash. The second and third line does the work for the two mailboxes that I need a trash folder for.
Wow, only three lines to add a feature that every other MUA has had since about 1995. That’s awesome! ;P
Give me a break. I’m surprised you actually left your name on that comment. Anyone that actually does more then “read” email would never be stuck trying to fumble through this with Pine.
Pine, cut the crap John! :)
Mutt takes three lines so we can keep out the riff raff.
Now all I need to do is hack together a script to delete files older then $foo days old.
Have you figured out how to use multiple trash folders for multiple INBOXs?